Dan Bull Blog

I hate Super Smash Bros.

I hid so many names of Smash Bros characters in this song. Can you spot them all? BIG thanks to DAGames for screaming in the places my vocal cords could not stretch to! Here’s...

We’re all Soldier: 76… | OVERWATCH RAP

“….Logan Paul’d be proud of the bodies he’s shot for promotion” A choice line from my new Soldier: 76 rap… “….Logan Paul’d be proud of the bodies he’s shot for promotion” A choice line...

Rapping the entire plot of Half-Life 2

How I spent my quarantime: turning the entire plot of Half-Life 3 into a 7 minute long rap musical. This now exists: How I spent my quarantime: turning the entire plot of Half-Life 3...

DOOM DOOM DOOM! | Doom Eternal Rap

It was a stupid idea to remake my Creeper “BOOM BOOM BOOM” song into a “DOOM DOOM DOOM” song. I did it anyway It was a stupid idea to remake my Creeper “BOOM BOOM...

“Origin of Symmetra” | OVERWATCH RAP

Symmetra, light spectrum stretcher. Like someone gave a rectal speculum to Escher.” – Nobody else would write those lyrics Nobody Symmetra, light spectrum stretcher. Like someone gave a rectal speculum to Escher.” – Nobody...