2 years of glue ears lol that rhymes haha amazing

It is an absolute fact that my ear symptoms are the worst they’ve ever been. Since my trip to LA, the clicking and popping happens at a much higher regularity (though certainly not regular in the sense that I can predict or prepare for them). The slightest turn of my head or spoken syllable will set off a chain of clicks, pops, chirrups and farts from the squelchy apparatus in and around my pharynx. It’s not just sound either, this is physically uncomfortable. When I turn my head I can feel what I assume is my left eustachian tube “tugging” – an uncomfortable strain underneath my eyeball before I hear a high pitched snapping sound and the pressure momentarily disappears. This is but one of a good dozen or so similar variant symptoms, and this alone happens hundreds of times per day now. God fucking help me, it’s driving me utterly mad.

On top of this, I have developed a relatively new symptom whereby my right ear “flutters” and “waves” with a very deep sound and ticklish feeling at 1-2 minute intervals. This is most often triggered by sounds of a certain volume and frequency, for example if someone coughs, or even if I say the word “yes” in conversation. Answering someone with the word “yes” causes my right ear to go fucking mental and completely derails my attention from whatever was being discussed.

Walking too is worse than ever. Each footstep I make is accompanied by between one and four high pitched clicks from what I initially thought was the bones in my neck (due to the type and location of sound). I now suspect the noise is actually something to do with the pharynx rather than any joints or bones, as I have noticed it happening more and more even when I am absolutely still in bed with my head and neck at rest on a pillow. In these cases, sometimes there will be a single central click, and occasionally there will be a sudden burst or flurry of 6 to a dozen clicks.

I’ve been told again and again by various medical professionals that the simplest thing I can do is “ignore” the symptoms (fucking how?) or to just wait for them to “follow their course” and disappear. After all, “these things take time”. I agree, so far it’s taken two years for the symptoms to become progressively worse and worse – so it’s safe to assume that in another two years they’ll be totally gone entirely. And if they’re not (shock horror!) it’ll only have been four years of daily torment, distraction, worry, discomfort, anxiety and depression. Perhaps it’ll be gone in eight years?



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