Category: Past blog entries

Back to square one.

Well, that was fun while it lasted. My hyperacusis is back once again, after a wonderful symptomless week. I don’t know why it went away or why it came back, but at least now...

Lazy film review: Billy Elliot

Predictable and forgettable. Had suggestions of a decent kitchen sink drama but was too idealistic and feelgood. Moments of character development included Billy’s family switching from angry resentment of ballet to whole-hearted support in...


A film called “Batmen” would obliterate the box office. BATMEN Starring: Keanu Reeves as Stoically Sad Batman Johnny Depp as Slightly Camp Mysterious Batman Daniel Craig as Sophisticated But Tough Batman Harrison Ford as...


Hey. It’s my birthday and I have a big surprise gift for you. I wrote a whole new album in 24 hours and recorded it in another 24 hours. It’s yours for free x...

Reclaim the Empire

I just had an idea for a strategy game. “Reclaim the Empire”. You start in present day Britain as a non-notable citizen and you have to get elected to Parliament, become the Prime Minister...


Regarding my religious fans

Today a Christian fan asked me if I like my religious fans any less. This is my reply, I thought I’d let you all see it. To answer your question, absolutely not. I do...


My cat lost his toy. Plonker.

This is Sammy. He is a plonker. He was adopted from the Blue Cross animal shelter. You can support them here: If you are interested in getting a pet cat please adopt one from...